Calm! Don’t hit me. I exaggerated in the title, but it isn’t at all a lie. I don’t want to stay repeating Horst Keller, but some ABAPers still come to me: “I never had to use REDUCE…”
An expression with the REDUCE reduction operator creates a result of a specified data type using the type of one or more condition expressions.
A new and more performative way to not use LOOP AT NEW, for example ( ok ok .. is very old ).
With REDUCE it is possible to do a mathematical operation grouping by the items of a certain table for example. That is, instead of making a LOOP inside LOOP between two tables, you can use REDUCE to directly access the items you need to read. The reading is based on a table, so you can use the FILTER operator, for example, to generate the internal table with only the desired items. See the example below:
REPORT ysamplelkp_reduce. *------------------------------------------------* * PURPOSE: For each order item, calculate * the total value from the KOMV table * (Conditions) where: * Condition PBXX = value X * Condition RA01 = value Y * * TOTAL / ITEM (NETWR) = Sum PBXX + Sum RA01 *------------------------------------------------* CLASS demo DEFINITION. PUBLIC SECTION. CLASS-METHODS main. ENDCLASS. CLASS demo IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD main. TYPES: BEGIN OF y_ekpo, ebeln TYPE ekpo-ebeln, ebelp TYPE ekpo-ebelp, netwr TYPE ekpo-netwr, END OF y_ekpo, yt_ekpo TYPE SORTED TABLE OF y_ekpo WITH UNIQUE KEY ebeln ebelp, BEGIN OF y_komv, knumv TYPE komv-knumv, kposn TYPE komv-kposn, kschl TYPE komv-kschl, kwert TYPE komv-kwert, END OF y_komv, yt_komv TYPE SORTED TABLE OF y_komv WITH NON-UNIQUE KEY knumv kposn kschl WITH NON-UNIQUE SORTED KEY key_kposn COMPONENTS kposn kschl. DATA it_ekpo TYPE yt_ekpo. DATA it_komv TYPE yt_komv. it_ekpo = VALUE #( ( ebeln = '0040000000' ebelp = '10' ) ( ebeln = '0040000000' ebelp = '20' ) ( ebeln = '0040000000' ebelp = '30' ) ). it_komv = VALUE #( ( knumv = '0000000001' kposn = '10' kschl = 'RA01' kwert = '10.00' ) ( knumv = '0000000001' kposn = '10' kschl = 'PBXX' kwert = '350.00' ) ( knumv = '0000000001' kposn = '20' kschl = 'RA01' kwert = '2.00' ) ( knumv = '0000000001' kposn = '20' kschl = 'RA01' kwert = '3.50' ) ( knumv = '0000000001' kposn = '20' kschl = 'PBXX' kwert = '400.00' ) ( knumv = '0000000001' kposn = '10' kschl = 'RA01' kwert = '5.00' ) ( knumv = '0000000001' kposn = '10' kschl = 'PBXX' kwert = '200.00' ) ). DATA(out) = cl_demo_output=>new( )->write_data( it_ekpo ). out->write_data( it_komv ). *------------------------------------------------* * Using LOOP and Work area (on purpose) *------------------------------------------------* DATA st_ekpo LIKE LINE OF it_ekpo. DATA st_ekpox LIKE LINE OF it_ekpo. DATA st_komv LIKE LINE OF it_komv. LOOP AT it_ekpo INTO st_ekpo. st_ekpox = st_ekpo. AT NEW ebelp. LOOP AT it_komv INTO st_komv USING KEY key_kposn WHERE kposn EQ st_ekpox-ebelp. st_ekpo-netwr = st_ekpo-netwr + st_komv-kwert. ENDLOOP. MODIFY it_ekpo FROM st_ekpo TRANSPORTING netwr. ENDAT. ENDLOOP. out->write_text( 'Using LOOP and Work area:' ). out->write_data( it_ekpo ). *------------------------------------------------* * Using REDUCE ( It's beautiful! ) *------------------------------------------------* LOOP AT it_ekpo ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(). -netwr = REDUCE netwr( INIT val TYPE netwr FOR wa IN FILTER #( it_komv USING KEY key_kposn WHERE kposn EQ CONV #( -ebelp ) ) NEXT val = val + wa-kwert ). ENDLOOP. out->write_text( 'Using REDUCE:' ). out->write_data( it_ekpo )->display( ). ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS. START-OF-SELECTION.
This is a simple example. Probably I can get the same result without using LOOP in any way ( it’s for you to think ). For me, it’s a very clean code. For more details, I recommend a read on at Help SAP for Iteration Expressions.
Autor: Douglas Santos, ABAP Development.